EHE Distinguished Professor Laura Justice became the first in college history to receive the university’s Distinguished Scholar Award in February. The internationally known speech-language pathologist was surprised with the award by Provost Bruce McPheron as she presented research to graduate students and faculty.
Justice has made fostering children’s literacy learning and development the focus of her career. What sets her apart is how she translates research results into practice. She has had multiple research awards: $50 million for projects since she joined Ohio State in 2007. Among her many projects, Justice directs the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy.
Sue Sutherland, associate professor, was surprised in March by a visit to her class by President Michael V. Drake, who presented her with the Distinguished Teaching Award.
As faculty in kinesiology, Sutherland specializes in preparing physical education teachers. She also is known for advocating for students with disabilities in physical education.
Amy Barnes, senior lecturer in higher education and student affairs, was recognized with the Provost’s Award for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer. Barnes (’99 MA) is known as a mentor to students in Ohio State’s Second-Year Transformational Experience Program. Her professional interest is strengths-based leadership development. She was since promoted to clinical assistant professor and director of the Doctor of Education in Educational Students, Higher Education and Student Affairs program.
Cesar Seguil, director of the Department of Teaching and Learning Academic Services, was surprised at work by the university’s Office of Human Resources dignitaries who awarded him Ohio State’s Distinguished Staff Award. Seguil is known for his tireless dedication to guiding students as they navigate their degree programs.
Amy Barnes honored by Ohio State for Distinguished Teaching by a Lecturer – EHE News
Laura Justice receives Ohio State’s Distinguished Scholar Award – EHE News
Cesar Seguil recognized with Distinguished Staff Award – EHE News
Sue Sutherland wins Alumni Association Distinguished Teaching Award – EHE News