Growing up with her dad as head coach was rough, Michelle Miranda said. Jim Miranda, ’92 MA, of Columbus, Ohio, was always pushing the girls’ basketball team at Eastmoor Academy, Columbus City Schools, to the next level.
“He pushed me harder than anyone else,” she said. “On the bright side, I spent countless hours with my dad that I cherish dearly. We had and still have a lot of fun times.”
Jim has done much in his career. “I believe he is the only Ohio coach to take three teams — football, boys’ basketball and girls’ basketball — to the State Final Four games, and two to the State Championship,” she said.
Michelle uses more than words to show her admiration. Not only is she pursuing a master’s degree in EHE, as Jim did, she’s a coach at Eastmoor, too, working as a part-time assistant. “If I can become half the coach my dad is,” Michelle said, “that would be an incredible accomplishment.”