Isabel F. Miller
Isabel F. Miller, ’41 BS, ’48 MA, of Columbus, Ohio, died Jan. 12. She joined the early and middle childhood education faculty in 1950, teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses while supervising student teachers. She also played an integral role in Ohio State’s Head Start Orientation program. As faculty emerita, Miller continued to serve. She was the first woman president of The Faculty Club and The Ohio State University Retirees Association. She chaired the college’s Campaign Steering Committee and served on its Alumni Advisory Board. In 1997, she established the Isabel Miller Scholarship in Early Childhood Education (give.osu.edu/Miller). For her commitment, she received the Friend of the College Award and, in 1999, the university’s Distinguished Service Award.

Kay Mitchell
Mary Catherine “Kay” Mitchell, ’63 MA, of Columbus, Ohio, died Feb. 21. The associate professor emerita of human nutrition served the university for 45 years. Many knew her as director of the Dietetic Internship program. Less known were her seven years on the Interdisciplinary Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities project funded by the U.S. Maternal and Child Health Bureau. She focused on the nutritional needs and behavioral patterns of children with developmental disabilities. In 2003, she taught a service-learning course, training human nutrition students to educate community and child care providers about nutrition and food safety. Her book, Nutrition Across the Lifespan, is still widely used.

Bruce Tuckman
Bruce W. Tuckman of Columbus, Ohio, died March 13. The professor emeritus spent 50 years as a pioneer in educational psychology. His 2002 breakthrough study about the effect of procrastination on college students made national headlines. He authored 18 books and more than 100 articles in such areas as motivation, cognition, instructional design and measurement. In 1965, he published a model of group development stages (i.e., “forming,” “storming,” “norming,” “performing”) still recognized today. In 1977, he added a fifth stage (i.e., “adjourning”). The American Psychological Association and the American Educational Research Association both made him a Fellow based on his contributions. In 1999, he founded the Walter E. Dennis Learning Center with the support of Walter E. Dennis Jr. The DLC continues to teach students how to boost their study skills and enhance their motivation. The Bruce Tuckman Student Enrichment Fund will support the center’s efforts (give.osu.edu/Tuckman).

Sigrid Wagner
Sigrid Wagner of Columbus, Ohio, died Feb. 26. The professor emerita taught mathematics education for more than 30 years. She is remembered for her commitment to mathematics education and her compassionate approach to mentoring graduate students and teachers. She directed projects funded at state and national levels, including the National Science Foundation. She edited the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education. In 2001 she joined EHE’s Ohio Resource Center and helped establish a repository of digital resources for K-12 educators. She led PRompt Intervention in Mathematics Education (PRIME), which provided peer-reviewed resources and engaged K-8 teachers and faculty from across Ohio in professional learning experiences.